Friday, November 14


Is anyone else out there as weird as me? In my lifetime I have read the label on shampoo bottles thousands of times. I exaggerate not. Taking a shower is, in my opinion, a fabulous way to pass the time, and I'm generally not in much of a hurry in there. So, while relaxing, I have a tendency to read anything that is at eye level, which is mostly shampoo bottles. (Shannon, on the other hand, who usually showers without her contacts in, has probably never read a shampoo bottle in her life.) So, all totaled up, I've passed an untold number of hours reading the directions (lather, rinse, repeat) the flower descriptions ("Ocean Breeze soap: it's just like an ocean cruise except there's no boat and you don't actually go anywhere") and the fun trivia questions (Q: 60% of women admit to throwing what at their significant other? A: Their shoe. [But you need the matching conditioner bottle to get the answer]). And then there is the list of ingredients. dichloro-phenol-benzoate this and isoberylpolycarbozome that. The ingredients don't change much from brand to brand, just those secret "natural oils and extracts". But sadly, since moving to St. George we don't have a shower with anything to read at eye level, so I'm a bit more bored during my shower relaxation time.

Christmas list addition: waterproof books!


Anonymous said...

Dibs on the list item.

Em said...

So just out of curiosity, how do your showers compare in length to Brian's showers?

Clark said...

Y'know, I've never timed him. (Or myself) Given the amount of flack that I've taken over the years for being in the shower, timing others would only lead to more ridicule.

Suzanne said...

Seriously. I take long showers, but I think Clark curls up and takes a nap in there.