Monday, June 28


Tonight at dinner Julia shut her eyes tight and said, "I'm hiding behind my eyes."

Yesterday Julia got to jump on a trampoline for the first time ever. How would you know which kid out there was her? She was the one hopping around saying "Sauté, sauté, sauté".

Tonight's prayer: "Bless us to go to Wal*Mart to see the fish that sucks on the glass."


Alex said...

Hilarious, just like her parents! ;)

Unknown said...

She says prayers on her own already? Smart cookie/good parents!

Judy said...

So cute!

Melissa said...

I'm wondering if she was talking about cooking on the trampoline or if maybe she was saying "Jump!" in Spanish. Maybe?

Clark said...

She was saying "jump" in French, actually. When you heat up little pieces of onion in some oil/butter/whatever, you cook them until they start jumping, hence, "sauté". It is also the name of an official movement in ballet.

Remember folks, if your kid speaks Spanish, it's just because he watches that dumb Dora show. But if my kid speaks French then she is cultured, sophisticated and intellectual.

Shanny said...

And all her culture comes from Little Einsteins. That's good parenting!