Tuesday, July 13

Ella Joy

We present to the world
Ella Joy Blockburger

Everyone wants updates on the baby, but other than finally having a name, there isn't a whole lot to say. She's got a cute hat, which is covering up her blonde hair. Some people have still tried telling us there is some red in there, but we're too smart to fall for that trick twice. If anything, it is just her red scalp shining through. She doesn't cry much, and seems to be eating and pooping about on schedule. Julia bounces back and forth between being excited and nervous. She really wants everyone to come home, but woke up this morning saying "I don't want to be a big sister" and "I don't want to hold any babies."


Em said...

I love the name! Congrats on the decision. She is oh so beautiful!

Sabrina said...

What a darling picture and a wonderful name. I hope Julia's (and your) adjustment goes smoothly. It may take a little time.

Alex said...

Awwww, what a precious baby girl! LOVE the name! Hope Julia does well with the transition!

Unknown said...

That hat reminds me of Bob Marley. :)

Melissa said...

Ella Joy is a wonderful choice! I love it. We are hoping to come to town on the 25th. Hooray!

Kim said...

Excellent choice in the middle name department. Don't worry Julia - I'm sure you have an entire slew of relatives that would be willing to hold any babies you don't want to.

Celeste said...

What a perfect name! I LOVE it. Good choice, very good choice!

Good luck with Julia. It is a new experience trying to help the toddler adjust to the baby. But the good news is that from our experience... It's not that bad. Thanks for the updates. And I still LOVE her name. :)

Lauren said...

Julia never had an EllaBaby before!

Judy said...

Darling name. I have taught a few girls named Ella (and also a few named Julia) and all of them have been wonderful students. I would allow a grandchild to be named Ella or Julia! (Not that they ever ask permission).

W.L.Platt said...

So cute! Glad you are all doing well. I love the picture!