Tuesday, November 30

Bum Jokes

Julia is officially 2 1/2 how, which means we've hit the age where anything can be made funnier by replacing any word with "bum". Examples:

From Blues Clues:
"We just got a letter, we just got a letter, we just got a letter, wonder who it's from"
becomes . . . .
"We just got a bum shake, we just got a bum shake, we just got a bum shake, wonder who it's from"

Or, if you're feeling slightly sacrilegious:
"The Lord commanded Nephi to go and get the plates"
becomes . . . . .
"The bum commanded Nephi to go and get the bum"

While Julia makes the jokes, the rest of us try our best to pretend they aren't funny.


Melissa said...

Because they are hilarious! Good job Julia!
If it were my kid, I'm sure I'd be using the word "inappropriate" in there somewhere. Thank goodness it's not my kid so I can enjoy it and laugh.

Alex said...

THAT.IS.AWESOME!!! Miss Julia is just the coolest kid... I wonder where she got it from? ;)