Thursday, March 1

Self Locomotion Update

Though it was a day longer, February has ended anyway.  Here's the update in our family quest to propel ourselves forward 5,280,000 feet this year.

General Update:  The first half of the month went really well.  We were on a 1000 mile annual pace for the first two weeks, aided by lots of walking around Chicago.  Shannon and I each did about 4 miles each of the two days we were there.  Remember, walking to a museum counts, because it would have been reasonable to take a car, bus, train or cab there if we had wanted to.  Walking inside a museum doesn't count.  The second half of the month we got busy, basketball got cancelled (remember 1 hour of basketball = 1 mile in my world), and then I got sick.  So, we fell right back off to essentially the same pace as we had in January.

February total: 47.92mi
Total through 2/29/12: 99.77mi
February pace: 605mi/yr
Pace YTD: 609mi/yr
Current Deficit: 64.2mi

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