Monday, June 4

Do Not Eat List

My own personal Do Not Eat List has officially been incremented by one.  It now stands at:
  • Fish
  • Peas
  • Kiwi
  • Pinto Beans
  • Chickpeas / Garbanzo Beans
Other than fish (nasty things, those) I generally like the things on the list.  They just don't like me.  The chickpea was the most recent, reluctant addition.  Not so much because they're a particular favorite of mine (I'm rather ambivalent), but because they're a favorite of Shannon's, and she does the cooking.  Unfortunately, repeated testing showed a strong correlation between eating chickpeas and feeling unwell.  That's really the best word I have for it: unwell.  I haven't had fish, peas or kiwi in years, but as for the chickpeas, they just make me feel very uncomfortable.  I wish I had better words for it, but I don't.  The feeling is centered in my chest/lung area, and it feels vaguely that if I could just get in a comfortable position things would feel better, but it turns out that there is no squirming in your seat that really makes a big effect on your chest.  The feeling goes away in an hour or so.  There's no breathing problems, or really any other symptoms.  But, who wants to eat something that is all but guaranteed to make you feel lousy afterward?  (Other than chocolate milk, of course.)


Sabrina said...

That is tragedy indeed! I like, no, love, everything on your list, except kiwi. I am okay with them, but I wouldn't miss them in my diet. Maybe it's something in general with legumes? Are black beans ok? That would be the very worst, as those are the best legume around. Sorry you have to say good bye to chickpeas. And, I loved your post about not getting as old as fast as Brett :)

Shanny said...

If he develops a problem with black beans, we will be in MAJOR trouble. I won't be able to cook for him! Already with the chickpeas being gone we are going to have struggles.

Melissa said...

Shannon, I'm curious to know what you do with chickpeas. We don't eat them now, but I am trying to use more beans/legumes at our house.