Wednesday, October 17

Paint my bedroom

Alright my legion of readers.  I need your fashion design input!  You may not have heard, but we're buying a house!  It's practically perfect in every way, but one of the features that I don't particularly like is the color of the master bedroom.  It's purple.  If I had more X chromosomes, I'd probably have a better description of what sort of purple, and just calling it "purple" probably makes it sound worse than it really is.  But that's not the point.  The point is: I don't like it, and I want my room to be a different color, but I don't know what color I want.  This is where you come in.  I'm now accepting suggestions for wall colors.  There are four walls to work with, and they don't all have to be the same color, so get as wild as you want - but not too wild, or I won't pick your idea.

The room has a wood floor (technically laminate, but it looks like wood) and our furniture is of the "eclectic/not-matchy" style, so I think you can more or less do whatever you want.  I await with eagerness your suggestions, because while white is fine, it's also kinda boring.


Sabrina said...

Something light to medium grey with maybe a hint of light blue or green. Grey might be my favorite color right now so I am a little biased, but it's a great home decor color IMO. I would say do all the walls the same, but maybe add a simple chair rail for interest if you want to walk on the wild side a little.

Shari said...

I like the grey idea from Sabrina but I think those should be opposing walls (parallel walls) and do the other two walls in a fun color like a sky blue or a green. We like the color "aloe vera" for green. We just painted the top half (above the chair rail) of our nursery this color. It has some yellow in it, but it's good overall. Oh and a word of caution on the chair rail, if you are trying to attach it to an outside wall that is made of cinder blocks, rethink the whole thing! We had a guy in our ward bring over some major power tools in order to attach ours to the wall, then my husband had to fix the chair rail where the nails were shot through it and now he has to paint. Quite the project! Oh, and congrats on buying a house! I guess that means you'll be staying awhile...

Suzanne said...

I very much like the gray and blue/green idea. Those are good colors. just make sure you don't get an "office" gray. Nothing the color of computer equipment.

I need to paint my bedroom too. Right now it's a tan color (it's just primer so we need paint). I think we may stick with the tan. But in the kitchen I'm doing a red wall.