Sunday, December 14

Beam Me Up

About a decade ago, while coming home to visit my family, I was stopped as I got out of the car by an older man who lived a few doors down the street from my parents. (He might still be there, I'm not sure.) He came up to me and said something like "Scott, how is your brother Clark doing? I remember when he was just a little kid . . . blah blah blah . . ." Basically, he invented an older brother for me, figured I was that brother and that my name was Scott. Weird.

Fast forward a decade. There is an older guy in our new ward who keeps calling me Scott. I was well introduced correctly when we first me, and he's called me Clark successfully multiple times. But he keeps reverting back to Scott, even after being corrected a few times. And he doesn't even notice when he does it.

So, I guess I must look like a Scott or something.


Cheryl said...

So who is this "older gentleman" in your ward??

Shanny said...

It's Bro Edwards. Since Clark isn't quick to comment.

Anonymous said...

I'm not 100% sure about this, but I think either your or Sue were supposed to be named Scott. She was supposed to be a boy.

Suzanne said...

I think that if I were David/Clark, then the next bot may have been Scott. But you'd have to check with Dad.