Saturday, July 7

June Self Locomotion Update

You've probably noticed that the whole internet has been abuzz the last few days because my self locomotion update is late.  I'm teaching all of you a little patience.

Speaking of learning, in June, we learned that no one exercises on vacation.  Or, at least, we don't.  We spent nearly 2 full weeks in Utah, and despite our intentions to go on walks and things, we didn't.  We packed so much stuff into each day, that we were too tired to walk (note: not all of those links are up yet).  Half of our plans involved walking (going to the zoo, for example) but those miles generally didn't count per the rules.  So, the large progress we made toward our goal in May wasn't duplicated, but we did manage to catch up almost perfectly to 1000-mile pace by the end of the month.

The numbers:
June total: 95.5 mi
Total through 6/30/12: 496.7 mi
June pace: 1165 mi/yr
Pace YTD: 998.9 mi/yr
Current Deficit: 0.6 mi

The chart:
You can see the big upward trend in the first half of the month, with one big spike down where Stewart and I tried to climb a mountain, and then a return to the downward trend in the second half of the month once we got home.


Unknown said...

What about July? Alas!

Anonymous said...

What about August? Alas!