Thursday, September 13

July and August Self Locomotion Update

So it's been a month . . . and a bit.  I've even had two separate requests for updates!  (Probably from the same person, who chooses not to self-identify (which is ok).)  So how goes the locomotion?  The last two months have certainly had ups and downs.  There was a down where I got sick for nearly a week, and then my body decided to keep producing mucus for another 2 weeks after that.  Shannon really picked up the slack with lots of walking as the summer finally cooled off.  And also, I'm tired and don't want to get out and run.  My motivation has waxed and waned a surprising number of times in the last few months, obviously with a fairly short period.  Pre-school meetings, cub scouts (Webelos!), football games, work, back to school shopping, dishes, and all those other things in life wear me out.  And for my final excuse . . . running (and a lot of other tasks in life (at least for me)) is much easier when there is someone else there.  There's no way I would have made it through a marathon without someone to run with all summer, and here I don't have that, so I can skip it whenever I want.

OK, I lied.  One more excuse.  It gets dark shortly after 8pm here now, so it's getting harder to run after work.  It's dark by the time we're done putting kids to bed, and soon it's going to be cold in the mornings.  Do I go to work early and come home early enough to run at like 5pm (before dinner)?  Have you ever known me to get up early to go to work?

Anyway, to read all of that, you'd think we were doing terribly, but we're not.  We're still hanging on ahead of pace.  I had hoped the have 100 miles banked up or something like that, but we can't seem to get beyond 30 or so.  Time for some solid numbers.

July: 99.6 miles (1,176 mi/yr pace)
August: 96.3 miles (1,137 mi/yr pace)
As of 9/13/12: 724.6 miles (1035.9 mi/yr pace)
Relative to goal: 22.4 miles ahead of pace (assuming even pace)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I log in with my Google account so my comments will have my name on them, but it still doesn't show up. Alas.

- Suzanne