Monday, June 25

Back from Rehab

So, I guess my sabbatical is over.

Anyway, let's talk about Rehab. Specifically the new song I've heard on the radio a few times. I think it's most interesting if you experience it in the order that I did. First, we'll assume that you've heard the song on the radio. It's sung by Amy Winehouse. It's a catchy little tune as she insists that she won't go to rehab. She has a deep, rich Motown type voice, and the song almost sounds like it could be remade from that era.

Next, go watch her sing it on youtube. If you're like me, it will take the whole first viewing to reconcile the fact that that voice is coming out of that girl. It really doesn't seem to match up.

Next, watch her sing it again, and try to figure out where she's from. Between the computer monitor and the glare from the window and the little youtube window, it might take that whole second viewing to figure out if she's Hispanic, or what. But, if you pay close attention, by the end you might suspect that she's actually Jewish. (As a side note, my spell checker has only one suggestion when I type in "jewish". It's rather obvious that "jewish" ought to be "newish".)

Finally, go look up Amy Winehouse in wikipedia, giggle for a minute at the picture of her with big hair, and suddenly there it is: she's a Brit! It just boggles my mind when I listen to the song that it's sung by a newish, Jewish, Londoner.


Shanny said...

Welcome back, dear. It's always a pleasure to read your words.

alisquire said...

I think it's even more unbelievable that she's only 23 years old!