Tuesday, November 20


I know I'm weird, so you don't need to bother commenting.

Our friends the Porters are moving to SLC in another week. (That's Laneah's blog off to the right.) After all the trouble we had rounding up boxes for our last move, we were somewhat reluctant to get rid of all of them when we got here, so we still have some kicking around our place, which we are now going to give to the Porters. I like it because it will be just a little less stuff cluttering up our place, though they were all tucked in the back of closets anyway.

But the weird thing is how I think about it. For some reason, I find it reassuring that the mass of our home is decreasing. Somehow, the lower mass is pleasing. I can't explain why. But I actually think about the places where the boxes will no longer be, about the decreased density of our home. It's as if the decreased gravitational field will allow me to rest easier.

(Of course, the boxes upstairs only served to lessen the gravitational field on me when I was down stairs. But you get the point.)


Ben said...

I think you're misconstruing gravity for air pressure.

Clark said...

Um, yeah, but I'm not.

Anonymous said...

1 - You're weird

2 - Definitely gravity

Sabrina said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Porters said...

I am glad that we could be of help. I dropped off a bunch of stuff to DI yesterday and had a similar joy to get home and see one less pile of junk. The "decreased gravitational field" also makes me rest easier.

Ben said...

Total Joke. Feel the "gravitational" sarcasm. Or... perhaps maybe you won't because you're so far from my gravitational well.