Tuesday, June 15

Intestinal Fortitude

Shannon has a stomach with a strength comparable to paper. So, when things are functioning well, her stomach can be represented as a house of cards:

Then, when things go terribly wrong, the house of cards falls apart. Sure there is a mess to clean up, but it looks kinda like this:

I, on the other hand, have a stomach built like steel:

The downside here, is that when a steel bridge fails, the results are a little more impressive than that pile of playing cards:

The moral of the story here? It's no fun to spend a few hours in the middle of the night sitting on the bathroom floor waiting for your body to finally just go ahead and let the "bridge" collapse. And when it does finally go, it might just wake up the neighbors. (Assuming, of course, that the neighbors stinkin' dog is also up all night making an obnoxious din.)


Sabrina said...

I am not sure I wanted that mental picture. Hope you get feeling better soon!

Unknown said...

Just lay on your back and put the barf bucket over your face.