Sunday, August 11

Tonight Julia said 'I'll get us started tonight' and took off reading. I'm not

Tonight, Julia said "I'll get us started tonight" and took off reading. I'm not sure where she figures out how to read "astonished" or "iniquities". But I guess I don't know how she learned to read in the first place. She just seems to have figured it out. She's not all that good at sounding out words - she just knows them all, even if she doesn't know what the word means.

Ella, on the other hand, only knows a handful of letters. I guess you have to pay attention to second children, too. Ooops.

1 comment:

Judy said...

Some of the adults I know can't read astounded and iniquities. Good job Julia. Ella is probably doing just fine. (Sometimes it's hard to follow a Julia). Now the challenge is to keep Julia stretching to learn more.