Saturday, November 16

Tarnished Chrome

For several years now, I've been a faithful user of Google's Chrome web browser.  We are so poor that we have but a single desktop at our house*, so Shannon and I both like to leave stuff open on the computer.  She uses Firefox, so me using Chrome was a nice way to make sure that we didn't get our email, facebook and other accounts confused.  (Because nothing is worse than accidentally posting on facebook as your spouse!)

Chrome has worked great for years.  And then, apparently they broke it a few months ago.  I don't know what they did, but Chrome became a terrible, slow, mess.  Watching a video on youtube would pretty much max out my CPU.  (yeah, my CPU is closing in on a decade old, but still . . .)  Doing anything on Chrome would run the CPU at 60 or 70%.  And even after closing Chrome, it would still use 60MB of RAM and up to 35% of the CPU.  I don't know what it was doing (NSA? Is that you?) but it would just eat up resources all day long.

I tried reinstalling it.  I tried messing with settings, and pretty much anything that the interest suggested.  I found various other people complaining of the same problems.  But, since Google can't get their act together, I've moved on.

Shannon already uses Firefox, Apple doesn't support Safari for Windows anymore, and IE . . . well, no.  So, I'm now on day 2 of using Opera.  It seems to be working nicely, without any of the problems Chrome had. We'll see how it goes.

* My comment was in jest, but it's pretty ridiculous what passes for "poor" in the world some times.

1 comment:

Ben said...

If you find you don't like Opera, we had much success long ago using Firefox with multiple profiles. Using a theme it was easy to tell the two instances apart.