Thursday, December 26


This picture is from about a week ago, wherein I ran 12 miles on a cold day.  While it might look like water, I promise that everything on my face there is ice.  I guess that makes me feel cool.

You are also free to note that I am apparently not smart enough to turn my phone around to take a picture of myself, instead opting to use my rear view mirror.  What can I say, running makes me stupid.  On this particular run, at about 8 or 9 miles my feet were getting really cold, and I was really starting to regret my decision.

1 comment:

Sabrina said...

You're hard core. I'd be grabbing a gym membership if I lived in your part of the country this time of the year. I don't love the gym, much prefer running outside, but, with those temps, I think I'd change my tune!