Monday, January 27

School of my dreams

Evidently, it is every kids dream to go to school in Illinois.  This is because kids rarely actually go to school here.  School was cancelled today and tomorrow because of the cold, so Julia is going to get 14 days of school in this month.  At this rate, to get the standard 180 days of school in, they'll have to keep the schools open for . . . 12.5 months per year.  (January has 23 weekdays this year.  We've had 4 days lost to cold, and 5 days off for New Years, MLK Day and some sort of teacher work day.)  As a half day kindergarten student Julia only goes to school for about 2.5 hours per day, so for the month, she'll get in 35 hours of school.

Presumably, this trend won't continue.  In theory, it won't stay this cold forever, and February and March shouldn't have as many holidays.  On the other hand, they cancelled 2 days of school in September for heat this year, so I suppose anything can happen.

As for me, I don't get any days off between New Years and Memorial Day.  :(

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