Sunday, March 2

Excellent Comment

My blog got a new comment today, but it was on an old post, so I was afraid that everyone would miss it, unless I brought some attention to it.  And some things are worth bringing attention to.  The commenter chose to remain anonymous, but here are his important thoughts:
So you're worried striped respect ugly without snow to ear smile, and it is the responsibility of human beings, to hear Te me? " 

In retrospect, it has supported the following, the entire contents of the bag, can I ? "Clause smiled lights to the top of the sink, I made a bee that?" 
The doubt how you can think again I ", find the places, She is probably 

"Well," You'll deal with the landlord that she, but it is not even true this?

" is angry silent? police. 

"Ngrn Sasagawa wall has 確呼 Barre. pickup also has a receiver has to tell. " 

day very good mood, what the right Re] If you can not be, her body, "I am this but who. then you'll regardless of the bell"
So there you have it.

(I deleted the incorrectly formatted links selling Prada handbags (legit, I'm sure) that were scattered about the . . um . . story?  Oh, and I translated it out of Japanese, too.  I know my blog can lead people to believe I have a large Japanese following, and you'll be surprised when I tell you that I don't.)

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