Thursday, July 26

A Post

I feel bad for having not posted for so long. My schedule has been all whacked out this week. We're growing more crystals this week than we ever have before! As a result, we have more puller hours to cover than ever before! My official schedule for the week was: 5pm to 9pm every day, plus whenever else I need to be here.

In the only bicycling news topic you'll see discussed here for the rest of the month, I'm going to go test drive a Trek 4300 tomorrow and see if I want to buy it. Since my last 3 bonuses from work and a tax refund have all been ear-marked for a bicycle, I'm finally getting around to buying one. The plan is to start biking to work in a month or so when it is somewhat less like the planet Venus here in St. George. You know, 400 °F with a sulfur/ash atmosphere.

Finally, on the "Labels for this post:" section of Blogger, it gives three examples of what sort of label you could be putting on your post. The three are: scooters, vacation and fall.



Melissa said...

You boys and your bikes! Ask Adam how he got to work today.

Adam Lowe said...

There is a guy at my office that rides a Trek 4500 to work. He seems to like it.

With some of the potholes on my route, I sometimes think of adding a mountain bike to my fleet.

Suzanne said...

Aw, not the Madone?