Saturday, October 29

Blood Suckers

Last week Shannon and I went to get a Health Risk Assessment done.  That's fancy talk for having someone check height, weight, blood pressure and doing some blood work.  Essentially we get paid to do this by my job.  This was also the first time Shannon has been around when I actually had blood drawn.  I've told her the stories, but somehow, she didn't quite understand.

Basically, they take my blood, and right about when they're done, or even a few seconds afterwards, I go white as a sheet, and remain that way for about 10 minutes.  During this time, I get lots of attention, as no health care professional will let me stand up, or do anything, and they start pulling out treats and drinks and all sorts of stuff!  It's great!  After a while, they let me go, but Shannon didn't let me drive home.

Once more, I survived the blood suckers, and no, I didn't (nor have I ever) pass out.


Judy said...

You are lucky that you don't faint. I turn white as a sheet and then sometimes go down. I've had some funny experiences of waking up with lots of people gathered round. I just plan on it now.

Hopefully no more blood tests for a while - and watch out for Dracula tomorrow.

Alex said...

I take it you have never given blood? If you have, how did you handle that? LOL

Clark said...

No, I've never given blood. My assumption has always been that I wouldn't last long enough for it to do any good. I'm pretty sure they have to unplug you if you pass out.