Thursday, October 13


What could be so important as to break my near 2 month blogging hiatus?  In a word: Kanorado.

A year ago, Shannon and I moved far away from our families and my family in particular is spread out quite a bit.  So, we don't get to see people much.  And, even if we visit UT, half of my sisters (and all of Julia and Ella's cousins) don't live there.  So, clearly, we should all get together somewhere in the middle.  But we're in Michigan, Colorado, Utah and Texas.  Where exactly is the middle?  The answer is, of course, Kanorado.  Well, about 3 or 4 miles SSW of Kanorado, but really, who's counting.  So, to minimize total traveling time* I suppose we should all meet up there next summer.  Who's game?

(Carrie is the big winner here, as she can get there in under 4 hours.  My drive will be nearly 20 hours.)
(And because you're curious, before we moved, my family was centered around Teluride, CO)

*Really, this is a "center of mass" calculation for each nuclear family (including my youngest sister with our parents) and assuming "as the crow flies" travel paths.  Truly calculating a minimal total travel time would increase difficulty by orders of magnitude.  I will not be attempting this.


Unknown said...

There is no way in heck that I'm going there. Kansas is full of scary people.

Shanny said...

I'm just sad that there is NOTHING of note in the middle there. Because I'd really like to see some family. The holidays are coming up, and looking like they'll be pretty lonesome.

Unknown said...

Center of mass estimate?

I reckon that as far as drive-time goes, Omaha's close to center. Carrie will always come out the winner, though.