Saturday, July 6

I don't really think the picture will do it justice but the pool is looking goo

I don't really think the picture will do it justice, but the pool is looking good. If only it felt as good as it looks. The water is still cold, to say the least. It seems strange to actually be rooting for warmer weather just to heat up the pool.

In other news, google reader is officially gone now, so I'm curious to see if blogs take a further hit as a result. So, you should all leave a comment so we know that you're still here.


Lauren said...

Moved to feedly. what are you doing?

Sabrina said...

I was not happy to have to switch out of reader. I considered just not moving to something new because I don't read and comment nearly as much as I used to, but it was a pretty easy switch and it turns out, I kind of like feedly more! The pool looks great. Are you going to start swimming laps? I see a triathlon in your future!

alisquire said...

I'm here and I also switched to feedly.

Shanny said...

We are here, we are here, we are here!