Wednesday, October 3

- We have cylinders of liquid nitrogen here at work that are the brand name "dura-cyl". Cute.

- Bean counters are . . . so much fun to work with. I have to do a limited amount of bean counting here at work, and it's always a bit of a trial. It's not that bean counters are necessary or are deliberately difficult or something, it's that we speak such different languages. They view their bean counting as super important, while I don't. Deep down I know it is important, but I have such a hard time caring. Mostly, it's not too bad, once we've spent half an hour trying to figure out what the other person is even talking about.

- Yesterday I got to teach a Ph.D. from the U of U how to lock and unlock the front door here at work. Yes, I'll be using this for material for months to come.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

I really wanted to come visit your blog with a commented as splendid as yours was on mine, but I just don't know what to say about bean counters. It must be because I still sort of am a bean counter in my ARUP IT world, and I feel for the little guys.
However, I am very impressed that you taught the doctor how to lock the door. Made me think of the time that we tried to switch your apartment doors back in the dorms, but they didn't fit in the other door frames. Really ruined what I thought was my best college prank... just think if all your doors had been identical, none of those dumb fake window things, Shannon and I had successfully switched them, locked them and shut them, how long would it have taken you to determine that you needed to switch room keys?