Thursday, May 1

More Biking

The first day of May seemed to be a good day for the first bike ride to work of the year. It really is tricky riding to work, because it was still fairly cool this morning at 8am (cool enough that I wished I had gloves) but it'll be plenty warm this afternoon. Before too long, it'll be way too hot in the afternoons to go home. The ride went well, and a co-worker rode in with me. He only lives a few blocks away, so we met about a half mile from our homes and rode the rest of the way in together.


Sabrina said...

You should buy a bike rack and then in the afternoons when it starts getting too hot for your afternoon ride Shannon can come pick you up.

Suzanne said...

Good thing you're not up here - you'd have been covered in snow by the time you got to work!

Adam Lowe said...

Who cares how sweaty you get on the way home, though? That's where you change clothes and shower.