Tuesday, August 26

Male Bloggers

I'm not sure why, but guys don't seem to blog very well. I'm not sure why. Shannon certainly surpasses me in both posts and readership. Oh well.

On a nerdier note, I found a website today: projecteuler.net. If you don't know who Euler is, and how to pronounce his name, you can just stop reading now. For the rest of you, it's a site with a collection of computer programing math problems. They start from very easy to extra hard, and are meant as a way to learn to program mathematically. (Sorry folks, no fun stuff like double linked lists or other things I do not understand.) I did the first problem today in Maple in a couple minutes. (And Maple is weird for logic programming.) Of the languages I know, MatLab would be the best suited to all this stuff, though from what I've seen a fair number of the problems are large integer based, so the unlimited precision of Maple would come in handy there. Anyway, my point was, it could be a fun little project to work on.

And about now I realize that I already told Brett about this today, so I'm not sure who else out there could possibly care . . .


Ben said...

Men don't use blogs as socialization centers. I can't speak for all women, but my wife does.

Anonymous said...

How about you post a picture of your house?