Monday, September 8


Last Friday my computer at work was "upgraded" to Office 2007 from Office 2003. Why? I honestly don't know. I had zero issues with Office '03. Others at work have been using 2007 for some time, but I have had zero compatibility issues. But I was, nonetheless, "upgraded" despite my protests. The result? In a few short minutes, I went from being the guy who everyone comes to with Excel questions to the guy who can't make a graph. Years of experience wiped out, because I can't even find the button to make a graph. Then I can't find the button to add a title, or label the axes, or DO ANYTHING!

So, is Office 2003 better than Office 2007? No. Nor is '07 better than '03. What Microsoft apparently can't understand is that I don't care where the buttons are, or what they look like, or how they are labeled. All I care about is that I be able to use the program. Once I've learned where all the buttons are, why on earth would you move them?

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