Wednesday, November 12

Musical Family

Shannon and I brought extensive musical knowledge into our marriage. And I'm always amazed at how little it overlaps. (I could also write a whole post about how often one of us mentions some little trivia item that we totally expect the other to know, only to find out they have no clue what we're talking about. It goes both ways on all sorts of topics.)

Shannon gets huge bonus points for bringing Guster into my life. And she's also been the mechanism for introducing me to a lot more Ella, Etta, etc. type of music. I, on the other hand, seem to always be pulling out some piece of music from the 60s that Shannon isn't familiar with. (This is a result of our upbringing. Shannon's parents have classical music on records. My dad has the White Album in the original cellophane, and can tell you what month just about any song came out from 1964 through 1970.) It goes like this: I'll reference some song lyric which draws a blank look from her. So we youtube it and often her response is "oh, I didn't know those were the lyrics to that song." She's usually heard the songs before, but may not know the title or artist. I'm not sure that I've brought any important musical discoveries to her existance, but at least more weird organ solos.

This post was prompted by me asking Julia last night "What's your name? Who's your daddy? Is he rich like me?" This was followed by Shannon's aforementioned blank look, which lead to youtube, "Time of the Season" by the Zombies and an organ solo. So now you're up to speed. Enjoy:


Suzanne said...

Dad can also usually tell you who produced it and where he was when he first heard it.

Blockburgers are trivia sponges.

Adam Lowe said...

I love to just sit and listen to your dad talk. Whether it's about his job or the last book he read or what's wrong with the world today, it's always informative and entertaining. A curious mind is a wonderful thing.