Friday, November 21

.Word Processing

For no reason at all, my thoughts are turned today to my memories of taking Word Processing in high school. This was back in the day of Word Perfect 6.1 or something like that. I'd work, typing away on our computers running Windows 95. Of course, the class wasn't all that difficult, so most of us only spent about 2 days of the week doing the work. One day a week was generally devoted to putting illicit copies of solitaire on as many computers as possible. Another day or two of the week was usually devoted to doing homework from other classes. Typing up essays for European History.

I also took Desktop Publishing form the Hillcrest business department, but that class was much worse. The teacher was much less capable. (Ms. Diamond, who taught word processing, didn't have a hard class, but she at least knew what she was doing. Mr. I-can't-remember-his-name honestly didn't know much at all about desktop publishing.) By then I was a senior, and was therefore not interested in spending class time doing desktop publishing or homework for another class.

I dreamed the other night that I was back in high school, but sadly, my dream only involved math class. But, I imagine that if I were in Word Processing now, we wouldn't be so amused by only playing solitaire. We'd probably find even less productive things to do with our time, like surfing the internet to read rambley, blog posts that will likely leave half the readers wondering what on earth is going on, while the other half can't quite belive that I'd be goofy enough to write a post like this for a collection of people that I've never met.

1 comment:

Adam Lowe said...

I'm looking forward to the inevitable upcoming post on the BCS, in light of the injustice Texas endured this weekend.