Monday, July 12

4:10pm -- She's got the shakes and is going to try the first push just to see what it's like. Contractions are certainly more substantial in the last 5 minutes.

The nurse is very confident that there will be a baby before she gets off her shift at 6pm. And that was before the last 5 minutes. So, things look very promising. And the blogging may get fast and furious. Right up until the point that it stops completely because I've got more important things to do!


Matt said...

Sounds like things are starting to get exciting and will be moving fast.

Be sure to track how fast people march into the room when its time for Bing to come. I think we have 8 people com in at once with Evalyn.

Alex said...

Just got out of class!!! Ahhhh, things are getting exciting! GO SHANNON GO! I have a 30 minute commute home, hopefully we'll have some good news by then! Yay Baby Bing!!!

Unknown said...

The name doesn't matter! I just want her to get out so I can play with her and so she doesn't have a cone head.

Cheryl said...

YAY! things are getting intense. i guess they are even more intense there...good luck and remember to push with your DIAPHRAGM.