Wednesday, July 7

Baby Live Blogging!

My blog has been around for a few years, but I think about 50% of all traffic and comments over that time came during one 36 hour period in April of 2008.  Well, we here at Bethletard want to do whatever it takes to increase viewership, and apparently what the people want is more babies.  With then end in mind, we're having another baby, who is currently scheduled to be induced on Monday, July 12th.  So get ready to hit the refresh button folks, because Bethletard Baby Live Blogging is back!

Of course, that baby could come earlier, but at the very latest labor should be induced early Monday.  (We're praying for early, so we can avoid another 5:30am thing like last time.  I explained to the doctor that it probably cost me a half dozen comments at least.)

This post is also serving as a test of the Email Blogging System.  (To go with the previous Text Messaging Blogging System.)  We're getting more technologically advanced with each kid!


Alex said...

HOORAY! I was hoping you'd do this again! SO excited for you guys!!! Come on baby!!!

Aubrielle said...

LOL. Thanks for the post. I needed a laugh. Congrats on the soon to be baby! Hope everything goes well!