Monday, July 12

We are now a family of four. We had to take a break so everyone could eat, because I'm the only one who had eaten more than toast today. The hospital meal was tasty.

Our little girl looks great. She seems to have long fingers, but not long eyelashes. (We can't remember if Julia had long eyelashes birth. She sure has them now.) She had her first bath, so we can say that her hair isn't obviously red. It looks mostly blonde, but who knows on that front. She's had a go at eating, which worked reasonably well, I think.

Shannon is doing great. They are keeping us in the labor/delivery room, possibly over night. As long as she is here, they can have her heart monitor beamed over to the other hospital campus in town (babies in St. George are all born in the "old hospital") where someone continuously monitors the heart patients. Julia will be coming over soon to say hi.

The pediatrician just got here to check her out. Things look ok, except for that nasty tar spill that seems to have happened in her diaper.


Alex said...

HOORAY! Glad baby and momma (and of course you too papa) are doing well! Awesome that she's already keeping you busy with diaper changes heehee! I bet she's as cute as a button, can't wait to see her!!!

Em said...


I really enjoy this live blogging. Please have another child soon. =)

Hurst Happenin's said...

Wonderful that all is well! I'm so happy to be a Great Aunt again.

Hurst Happenin's said...
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Jeanette Drake said...

Congratulations Family of Four!

Clark said...

Emilie: Maybe I should head to the hospital on my days off and offer to live-blog the birth of other babies. Maybe I could pick up a few buck on the weekends? Everybody wins!

Aubrielle said...

Yay for tar poop. :)