Tuesday, January 24

Calling . . . well . . . anyone

Come one, come all, and marvel at my new technology toy.  I call it: a cell phone.

Yes, we bit the bullet and got me a phone.  I had a phone through my previous employer for a couple of years, but since moving to Michigan, we've been working on one shared phone, which was essentially Shannon's phone.  (People rarely call me anyway.)  When we moved out here and my old phone quit working (funny how that happened right when I quit my job) we intended to get a phone for me, but it just wasn't a priority.  Getting moved it, unpacking boxes, and setting up all sorts of other things were more important.  So we put it off.  And off.  Here we are 15 months later.  Really, we got by pretty well without other phones.  The only tricky part is if Shannon is off somewhere (like right now, she's at a meeting for the pre-school) and I don't have a good way of getting a hold of her.  Actually, I can use g-mail to call her, which I've done before (and it's free), but she can't call me.  So if she knows she's going to be late, she just has to wait and wait until I get fed up of wondering where she is and call her, and then she can explain things to me.

So we've got phones.  They've got a camera and a keyboard and all those things, despite being the cheapest phones they had.  (Shannon was due for a new phone and got one just like me.)  So, if you see a call in the near future from a strange number in area code 989, please pick it up, because it might be me.

(I'm easily combating the urge to just tell everyone my phone number right here and now by not having any clue what my phone number is.  I've never even seen it.  It's written down on a piece of paper around here somewhere . . . )

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