Sunday, January 15

IE? Really?

Blogger has some fun stats associated with it these days.  It's neat to see even my rarely updated blog got 284 views in the last month.  My all time most important contribution to the world is my comments on a song about Santa using zebras to fly his sleigh in Africa, which I think I've mentioned before.

But the craziest thing is that 53% of you people are using IE to look at my blog.  IE!  If you're still using IE, any list of reasons not to use it probably isn't going to have an impact.  If you were the sort to pay attention to such reasoning, you would have switched from IE long ago.  Instead, I'll just tell you: Quit using Internet Explorer.  Go download something else instead.  It's really easy.  Go get Firefox (23%), or Chrome (10%) or Safari (5%).  I've used them.  They're good.  Each has it's own supporters who would be glad to discuss their various merits, but they'll all agree on one thing: they're each better than IE.

Oh, and one last thing.  If anyone wants to admit to being part of the 489 visits from the Netherlands (2nd place, followed by Russia (321), Germany (254), France (253) and Iran(147)) I'm kinda curious.

1 comment:

Tim Timmons said...

I like IE. Puts a sort of "old world feel" to your blog.

Besides, before the new year, IE was updating about as often as you did!
