Sunday, January 15

I am an old man


This is probably going to be a theme here, as I do turn 30 in a few weeks.  Recent developments in aged-ness:

- Gray hairs.  A disappointing number have started popping up.  Unless you happen to be trimming my beard, or for some other reason are 3 feet away and staring at my hair, you probably wouldn't notice.  But I've noticed.  And once you've noticed, there's no un-noticing that.

- Back trauma.  As a kid, I remember thinking it was funny that old people complained about things hurting the day after physical activity.  As the years have gone by, more and more of that has crept into my reality.  But today was a first.  I played basketball yesterday, as normal, and last night and today, my lower back was a little bit sore, which doesn't always happen, but isn't terribly uncommon.  The real news here is what happened at church.  I was carrying Ella to nursery* and when I put her down, something Bad happened.  Previously unknown muscles were suddenly on fire.  I'll live through this, I'm sure, but it's not comfortable.

*Yes, Ella goes to nursery now.  Yes, it is glorious.  Of course, back muscles sending Morse code pain messages out during church still make it hard to pay attention to a lesson.

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