Tuesday, February 11

It's my 20th* birthday!

Hey, look at that!  I'm 20 years old, in hexadecimal.  Or, if you prefer, I'm 100000 years old, in binary.  For those of you still living in the past and stuck in the decimal system, I'm 32 years old.

I just checked the archive to see what I've blogged on previous birthdays.  The answer is: not much.  There are a couple of posts detailing a gift I got, or what the birthday festivities were, but nothing really about my birthday itself.

There's a reason for that.  I don't think much about birthdays.  I think this is partly due to having a birthday in the middle of a cold month in the middle of the school year.  I went to school on most of my birthdays, and learned to accept that it's just another day, which is as likely as not to have a test scheduled on it.  Until a couple of days ago, there was a chance that I would be working an 8th consecutive 12 hour shift on my birthday.  Luckily, I avoided that one.  instead, I'll spend the work day at Northwestern, which really means that I'll spend half the day driving, so, if you're wondering what you can do for me on my birthday it's this: pray for no traffic.

One interesting quirk about living in the central time zone, is that when I was born in Utah at 11:08pm on February 11th, it was already February 12th in Illinois.  So, when am I supposed to celebrate my birthday then?  Do I celebrate my birthday on the 11th, but my birth-moment on the 12th?  See, it's stuff like this that is giving me all these grey hairs!!!

But here I am 32-years-old.  This trip around the sun was pretty good.  I think I'll do another one.

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