Monday, August 27


Well, no doubt, every one's hearts have grown fonder towards me and my blog in the last 10 days or so. Yes, I've been away. But, I've decided to plunge back in, and to motivate myself, I'm using an excuse theme. I'll tell you what I've been doing to keep me away from such an important task as blogging.

Excuse 1: Church
Yes, it's only one day a week, but what a day that is! Yesterday I went to PEC at 9, followed immediately by BYC at 10. I got to go home at about 10:30 and rest up for the afternoon. Pre-sacrament meeting choir practice was at 1 (we sang in sacrament meeting, I'm the pianist), followed by regular church from 1:30 to 4:30 and choir practice immediately afterward. A few minutes after 5 I dropped Shannon off at home and went to pick up my home teaching companion for our 5 o'clock appointment, to which we were only 10 minutes late. I was back home at about 5:40 or 5:45 with enough time to say 'hi' before heading out for the court of honor at 6. I was home a few minutes after 7. Heaven help me if I'm ever in the bishopric.


Sabrina said...

Sundays really can be anything but a day of rest for some of us, can't they?

tysqui said...

I'll try not to complain to you about my Sunday schedule. (But hey, my meetings do usually start at 6:30).