Tuesday, August 28

Still Bikin' It

I meant to blog about this anyway, and now that the question has been asked, I get to respond. Devoted reader Sabrina asks, "Do you get to take it to work?"

Well, Sabrina, I get to take it to work every day I want to, which thus far, has been zero. I'd either have to leave a new bike at home, or a new car, and thus far, I've chosen the car every time. (Two whole days!) I kinda like riding to work, even when I come in at 2pm. And I'm excited for September and October when the weather will be that much nicer. I'm working hard to get co-worker Jason to ride in with me, now that he only lives a few blocks away. It's 51 miles per week, and it doesn't make me quite as tired as when I started. Of course, it still makes me just as sweaty. In fact, my body will now let me ride faster and harder, which just gives me added ability to sweat. No co-workers have complained about it yet . . .

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