Sunday, July 6

Leonard Bernstein

This question has been bothering me for a few days now. Perhaps as long as a week. How can you, on one day, comment disappointedly on your husband not enjoying musicals, and then, on the very next day, not know a song that come from West Side Story? I guess maybe the answer is that if your husband actually enjoyed and watched musicals with you, you would have finally seen the Sharks and Jets do battle.


Cheryl said...

I'm sorry. I did not grow up listening and/or watching those 'new age' musicals that seemed rampant in your childhood home, Clark. I was the youngest of 8 and had to watch what was being played. Now, if you let Julia do a little dance to "Singing in the Rain" or "Tapioca," I'd know exactly where it came from and wouldn't have to Google it.

Oh, and I wasn't complaining. I was just stating the difference in his view of musicals and mine.

Obviously your view of musicals involves gang fights and re-made Shakespearean classics. Which is also fine.

Anonymous said...

I don't remember us ever watching musicals. Unless you count Annie. Clark did watch way more than his fair share of Annie and Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang.