Sunday, February 22

Extreme Sweeping

I'm pretty good at minesweeper.  I'm fast, and pretty sucessful, though the game doesn't keep stats for you, and I haven't yet stooped to that level myself.  All it keeps is best times, which after a time, get harder and harder to beat.  Some games in minesweeper are only winnable by guessing, and others are easier to complete quickly than others.  Anyway, my best times for beginner, intermediate and expert are down to 5 seconds, 35 seconds and 119 seconds, respectively.  I just don't know how I'll ever improve upon those much, if at all.  So, I've recently resorted to extreme minesweeping.

What I've done is taken the standard expert sized grid (16x30 with 99 mines) and increased the mine density.  I've completed as high as 115 mines on that size, though 120 mines is proving very difficult.  It's not for the faint of heart.


Shanny said...

Of for the faint of finger.

Melissa said...

Well there went an hour of my life! I set mine for 115 mines and on the third try got 114 of them before I just had to blindly guess between the last two squares. I chose poorly. I'll let you know when I finally get it and move on to 120.

Celeste said...

I guess the next step in the extreme sweeping would be to get Windows Vista where it does keep stats for you on things like: games played, games won, win percentage, longest winning streak, longest loosing streak and current streak.

But I must say you've inspired K.C. We'll have to let you know how 115 goes.

Melissa said...

OK, I finally finished with 115 and it only took me 210 seconds. Now on to 120 . . .

Ben said...

If you want your beginner time down, just keep playing. There are only so many configurations and eventually you'll get one where the whitespace is all adjacent and you'll get a score of 1 second.

Melissa said...

Dude, I know this reveals that I don't have a life, but I beat 120 mines!

Suzanne said...

Really, Melissa, it just reveals that your mind is freakish when it comes to games like that. You have unnatural pattern recognition.

I mean, level 22 on Tetris, come on!