Sunday, February 22

New Calling

Thursday evening I got a call asking me to go meet with a member of the Stake Presidency on Sunday morning.  (side note: I don't think I can ever be in a Stake Presidency or Bishopbrick,  I just can't get up that early on a Sunday.)  So, Shannon and I spent a few days doing the obligatory speculation as to what it coudl be.  Certainly high profile callings come to mind, but that isn't always the case.  About 2 years ago we were asked to go meet with our old stake presidency.  Speculations abounded in our private discussions.  In the end, we were called to be a Ma & Pa for a pioneer trek (which I really enjoyed), something we would never have suspected.

Unfortunately, no pioneer treks for us this year.  Instead, I will be the new 2nd councilor in the Elders Quorum Presidency.  I've never been in an EQ Presidency before.  I've never even taught EQ before.  Should be exciting!


Matt said...

If I had been thinking, I would have given you a heads up so you would have had more than 10 seconds of notice before you were put on the spot in front of everyone.

B-Rett said...

Ahh, I'm disappointed. I thought it would be bishopric. Oh well, guess we'll have to wait a little while longer for you to be a high priest.

Melissa said...

Oooo! I gots me a new calling too! I am still Cub Scouts but they swapped my RS chorister for CTR 6 teacher. Hooray! I've been out of primary for far too long.
Have fun being busy and important!