Tuesday, October 28


Alright folks. Halloween is in 3 days, but our (old) ward party is in just over 48 hours. I have no costume. I don't feel that I need one, but I'm not necessarily opposed. These are our assets (Italicized items have been added since the original post):
  • Junk laying around my house
  • My wardrobe (pretty boring)
  • Shannon's wardrobe (but I'm not cross dressing)
  • A clown nose
  • Glasses (just plain glass lenses, so I can wear them w/o bumping into things)
  • Long hair (I haven't cut it in a month, so it's pretty shaggy)
  • Long beard (well, long for me. Again it hasn't been touched in a few weeks, so it's long.)
  • A beret (actually from France!)
  • Suspenders
  • Straw Hat
  • A baby
Any costume ideas?

If I listed it in the assets, its pretty much free game. So if you can come up with a costume that involves cutting my hair weird, I'm open to it, provided I can get it back to something reasonable afterward. Same thing with the beard (hmmm . . . I could shave half of it off and go as a Nair commercial?) The current top idea is just to slick up my hair, put on the glasses and pretend to be someone else. Hey, it worked for Clark Kent. (Yes, I realize that he slicked up his hair and took off his glasses, but the principle still applies. Comb hair + adjust glasses = perfect disguise.)

p.s. As an interesting note, I can't currently shave my beard completely off. I can trim it down pretty short, but I simply don't have any sort of razor at home of any kind that I could shave it all off with.


Shanny said...

Oooo, ooo, I need a costume, too! I have the same assets, minus the beard. And I'm not really willing to cut my hair. But if anyone has any ideas, please share.

Suzanne said...

If you have appropriate clothes, you could go as prom king and queen. Make a sash or something like that. Make a dorky boutonniere and corsage out of yard clippings.