Monday, October 6

Qwest sucks

Still no internet at home.

We've had Qwest DSL for 2 years. When we moved down here, we set it up, it took one rather painless phone call and it worked without fail for 2 years. So, when moving, we figured, why change? They're no cheaper (or more expensive) than anyone else, so I made a phone call make the switch.

Phone call #1: I talked to 2 people, the latter of whom had big problems getting the addresses to work out right, but we eneded with the agreement that we were cancelling our phone, moving our internet and it would work by Thursday (last Thursday).
Time of Phone Call: 1 hour 2 minutes.

Phone call #2: Shannon called on Thursday (last Thursday) to see at what time she could expect the internet to be working. She was told that our phone line was connected, but that there was no order for DSL, and, better yet, that DSL was not available at our address.
Time of Phone Call: 20 minutes.

Phone call #3: After Shannon called me to tell me of phone call #2, I called Qwest to see what the deal was. The confirmed that the phone was hooked up, but DSL was unavailable. I pointed out that three people had already confirmed that DSL was available, and then after looking harder, it was decided that we really could get DSL after all. We started working through the process, when I was put on hold, and then the call dropped. Maybe it was my cell phone's fault, but given the increasing load of evidence pointing to Qwest's incompetence, I'm voting on it being their fault.
Time of Phone Call: 15 minutes.

Phone call #4: I called back, and re-explained my problem. The other fun part is that I get to talk to 2 people per phone call. I explain my issue, and then I get transferred to "loyalty" where I go through the whole thing over again, get put on hold for ridiculous periods of time, and they "fix" the problem. This phone call was no different. It started at work, I drove home, and it continued at home for a long time. The call ended with the agreement that the phone would be canceled, and DSL hooked up. They were to call back in "30 to 60 minutes" to tell me my new account number, and tell me when I could expect the DSL.
Time of Phone Call: 45 minutes.

Phone call #5: They didn't call back. So, Friday, I called again. Lo and behold, upon calling, it was 'confirmed' for me that I had orded phone, but no internet. I once again informed them that we wanted NO PHONE and YES DSL. It took a long time. This phone call once again hypothetically ended with the understanding that we would have no phone, but we would have DSL to be hooked up by Thursday (next Thursday)
Time of Phone Call: 53 minutes.

Summary: Qwest is utterly incompetent. If you can get a service hooked up, it might work well for you, but good luck getting there. I keep telling myself that it should only take one competent employee to get things sorted out and then I won't have to worry about it any more. Unfortunately, we seem to have hit 12 incompetent employees in a row. We'll let you know on Thursday if it works.

P.S. Shannon hates not having any internet, as she can't read blogs, or talk to anyone. But her phone works, so you can call her if you're bored. Or, if you live near by, you can go visit. She'd love it.


Em said...

You guys could use that loverly phone line for dial up internet privileges while you wait for DSL! Maybe that's what qwest thought you wanted the whole time.

Celeste said...

Sounds like they should be paying you to allow them to be your provider, AND for your lost time. I agree though we have never had good dealings with Qwest. At least not on the customer service or technical end of things.