Thursday, December 10

Puking Chart

Apparently my promise of a graphical accounting of Shannon's queasiness was a big hit. So here it is.

A "puke" is defined as any trip to the toilet (or other puke receptacle as available) in which heaving is accomplished, without regard to the presence of actual vomitus. After successive "pukes" throughout a single day, they tend to degenerate into dry heaves, but are tallied for this chart anyway. This is not a count of heaving events, which would be at least equal to, but in fact much greater than the number of pukes; heaving events generally occur 2 to 5 times per puke.

Hyperemesis gravidarum is certainly a complicated issue and a full study of all related factors will not be done at this time. It would require much more data than is being collected with regards to diet, hydration therapy, weight, time of day, etc. One interesting fact is this: the embryo hates St. George. The red boxes below enclose days that Shannon has been in SLC.

Since the 20th of November, Shannon pukes 5.6 times per day on days that she is not in SLC, and only 0.2 times per day on days that she is in SLC.


Cheryl said...

Wow. It certainly is QUITE a significant difference. I'm glad SLC treats you better than SG does, Shannon.


We still miss you.

Celeste said...

So glad to hear that she is doing better up there! SO glad.

Sabrina said...

You are going to be put these charts in your child's baby book, right? I am also soooo glad SLC is treating her better. Yay for seeing one another soon though!