Wednesday, September 26

Bailey Cereal

This week, in my continuing effort to feed myself, I've returned to an old Brazilian favorite: Bailey Cereal. It's Brazilian in as much as it was invented in Brazil and it's ingredients are available in Brazil. It is not Brazilian in as much as it was invented by an American (Elder Bailey) and, to the best of my knowledge, no Brazilian has ever eaten it. Anyway, I'll provide the recipe.

1 cup oats (approximate) (The instant kind that require little to no cooking.)
2-3 heaping teaspoons chocolate milk mix. (You know, Nestle Quick, or reasonable facsimile.)
1 banana, sliced.
8-12 milk crackers. (for alternate, see below)
1 cup milk (approximate)

Directions: Put oats in a bowl (or, if you want to be more authentic to it's creation, in a pot, because there are no cereal bowls in Brazil). Add chocolate milk mix. Mix. Add banana slices, mixing to cover bananas with oats, to keep the slices from sticking together. Add milk, as much as is required for cereal-like consistency. Break up milk crackers with hands, or drop them into the bowl and smash them a few times with your spoon. Don't add the crackers before you're ready to eat, or they'll get too soggy.

Note: In America, there are no milk crackers. Remember, this is a foreign dish. Acceptable alternates include Nilla Wafers, or some plain cookies that Mother's makes which I am unable to identify more completely at this time. Anyway, they're more like cookies than crackers, and they're there to supply a little bit of crunch.

So that's what I've been eating lately. A kickback to my breakfasts in Brazil that I had every day for about a year.

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