Monday, September 24

Get the rabbit ears . . . .

As it turns out, I'm the father of something with a face, a body and a big brain! Not that it's a surprise on any one of those three. According to the doctor, Wombsly is 4.58cm from head to rump. That's a bit under 2 inches, for those of you who are metrically challenged. One perk to all our doctors visits, is that we get a lot more ultrasounds than most people. I'll leave the other picture for Shannon to put on her blog, the one where you can see that I'm also the father of something with limbs!

While on the topic, I'd like to say that ultrasounds seem to be a lot clearer than I remember them. Maybe ultrasound technology has gotten better over the years, so the pictures really are clearer. Or maybe with age, my ultrasound reading gene finally kicked in, so I can see what people were pointing at for all those years. Or maybe all the time I spent staring at electron microscope images improved my skill at finding something to look at in grainy black and white messes. You be the judge.

1 comment:

Shanny said...

You know, I think ultrasounds are easier to decipher when a) the baby is smaller (you can see the whole thing, and aren't wondering if that's a finger or a toe) and b) when you see the live show. Watching the movement helps to know what you're looking at. That's just what I think.