Wednesday, September 26


Yesterday, for the first time since about August 12th, I bought gasoline. Shannon hasn't purchased any either. I suppose the one loop hole that I am exploiting is that the new car came with a whole tank of gas. But, a month and a half w/o gasoline is pretty impressive. Shannon's car still has a bit in it, too.


Suzanne said...

Wow, very impressive! My gas mileage isn't nearly as good now that I've moved, since my commute involves hauling up that hill next to East High. However, since my commute is only 2.5 miles each way, a tank of gas still lasts me a long time.

Maybe I should start riding my bike to work, but . . . you know. Hill.

alisquire said...

You are a blogging fiend lately!

Clark said...

Yes, now if only everyone else were commenting fiends!

Suzanne said...

I comment! I comment a lot more than I blog, actually.