Friday, September 28


My bike passed 300 miles today on the way to work, so now it's up to 309. The car is holding at 250 or something, I think. It's also getting colder every day. I've started wearing a long sleeve t-shirt, which is less ideal for the ride home, but still ok. Very soon I'm going to need gloves and then something to protect from the wind. My co-worker who lives just a few blocks away was going to ride in w/ me tomorrow, until his wife told him he can't w/o a helmet. (Those crazy wives.) He's been saying that he'd start riding his bike for a month or two now, and by the time he gets a helmet, it's going to be too cold do to it anymore. (I have no plans to go crazy and bike into work when it's only 40° in the mornings. 65° with a 20mph wind is plenty cold for me already!)

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