Wednesday, September 19

Sympathy weight

We made the big announcement on the blog a week ago or more, and then I haven't said a word about it since. Just the other day I was reading something in a church manual about journal writing and it encouraged us to focus on good things. Not that you can't mention bad things, but if you write them down, you'll just focus on those forever. So, why haven't I said anything about the pregnancy? Well, let's see if you can figure that out on your own.

In a semi-related note, lots of people gain sympathy weight when their wives are pregnant. Well, in a new form of that, I'm loosing sympathy weight! Shannon's body has decided to try to store all it's food outside the stomach, rather than inside, so in the last month she's lost 10+ pounds. To show my support, I've also dropped 3 or 4 pounds in the last month. It's probably a result of me being suddenly forced to cook for myself again.


Anonymous said...

You were very unkind in your remarks about people who confuse 'then' and 'than,' calling them stupid, and dumber than a pile of rocks. Perhaps you should study the words loose and lose - as in - if you lose weight your pants will be loose, as well as its and it's. It's a bad thing for a stomach to barf up all of its contents. You misused both loose and it's in this one post.

Suzanne said...

It is my feeling, personally, that if a person feels so strongly about a subject as to publicly rebuke another person, that person should at least own up to it and post his or her name.

Shanny said...

I agree with Suzanne. Especially if that person has taken it upon themselves to go back and search through every single post on the entire blog and correct all errors they find.