Wednesday, February 20

King of Binks

Yesterday I woke up at 3 am with a terrible aching pain in my left shoulder. (It wasn't really a bink, but I don't get actual binks often enough to satisfy me desire to use the word, so I misuse it regularly.) The pain wasn't sharp, but it sure was constant. No position was more or less comfortable or any other. No movement helped nor hurt. Doing push ups didn't change the pain level. No stretch helped. Nothing. Just pain. Heat helped perhaps only slightly, and a warm shower helped not at all. Finally about 4am I managed to fall asleep for a while longer, but I woke up again at 6 and couldn't sleep any more. The pain was just too annoying to think about anything else. I didn't do anything out of the ordinary the day before, and my shoulder had felt perfectly fine before bed. I figure I just slept on it wrong. I got up at 6am and got ready for work, figuring that if I wasn't sleeping, I might as well get started on the day. I took some drugs and went to work. Somewhere between 8 and 9 am the pain went away as mysteriously as it came.

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