Tuesday, January 6


This is not a word that Julia has learned yet. Since she's recently discovered the many powers of her new found mobility, she's always going places we don't want her to. (She's been crawling for a month, but only recently realized that this means she can go just about anywhere.) Rather than always telling her 'no' when she heads for the garbage can or something else we try to get her to just come to us. She always get soooo sad when you tell her no. But unfortunately, she doesn't come. I say her name, get her attention, and she turns around for a moment, ponders the sounds coming from my mouth, and returns on her course toward the Bad Object.

But we have a cunning plan. We get her attention, and then while she's watching, we start stacking things. Blocks, cups, anything. She can't resist it. She'll crawl all the way back across the room just to knock it over. I think you could start stacking paper and she'd come over to try to unstack them. She just can't stand to have one thing on top of another.

Unfortunately, today she crawled the 10 feet back to knock over my tower and then promptly turned right back around back for the garbage can. I can see we're going to be building a lot of towers to keep her distracted.

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